Apple unveiled its first chip for the Mac in November last year, at its ‘Special Event’ dedicated to new Mac hardware. At the same event, the company also released the MacBook Air, the 13” MacBook Pro (base model), and the Mac mini as the first batch of computers equipped with the M1 chip. In 2021, the company released the new 24” iMac powered by the M1 chip and the iPad Pro is also now powered by the M1 chip.
The M-series chips are fantastic in terms of performance and power efficiency. Apple has been able to strike a perfect balance between raw performance and power efficiency which has shook the industry to its core and as a result, the sales of Mac computers have skyrocketed. While the ‘work from home’ period due to the ongoing coronavirus is also one of the reasons for increased desktops and laptops sales, the M1 has also truly helped the Mac.
All Macs to be powered by M-series in the future
Apple plans to have all its Mac computers powered with its own chips by 2022. The company first announced the ‘Apple Silicon’ project at its annual developers WWDC (Worldwide Developers Conference) 2020. Apple CEO Tim Cook said at the keynote of WWDC 2020 that the transition from Intel to Apple Silicon would take two years. In the meantime, the company would continue to release new Intel Macs and it was also reported that the company would continue to support all the recently released Intel Macs for a very long time with new software updates.
The M-series chips are the future of the Mac and the iPad. Apple has moved from the traditional x86 architecture for its desktop and laptop computers to the arm64 architecture, bringing the Mac closer to the iPhone and the iPad more than ever before. The company is bringing all the power efficiency technologies from the iPhone and the iPad to the Mac.