New 10GB iPod for $274, more
Dealmac: JumpSpace offers discounts on the new line of Apple iPods. The…
Best Buy stores: iPods from $199
Dealmac: According to several readers, Best Buy retail stores have begun clearing…
Business 2.0: Panting for an iPod
Shoshana Berger writes that the iPod 30GB “puts the competition on ice”…
Customize the disconnect screen on iPod
French website, MacBidouille reports that one of its readers, Gregory has successfully…
Sonnet helps old Macs use iTunes 4, iPod and more
Sonnet has launched the iEnvy products guide for users with old Macs.… is launched lists those people sharing their iTunes 4 library on the Internet.…
iPod 20GB for PC for $279
Dealmac: “A reader notes that Dell Small Business offers Apple’s iPod 20GB…
FM radio station uses iPod as backup
MacCentral reports a story about FM radio station WFMU in the New…
BusinessWeek: A Talk with iTunes’ Conductor
BusinessWeek‘s technology editor, Alex Salkever interviews Apple’s senior vice-president for worldwide product…
New iPod owners report “pops” or “clicks” between tracks
Reader “pudge” at SlashDot reports that “the new iPods released last week…
KBase Docs: Touch-sensitve buttons and iPod software chart
Apple has posted new KnowledgeBase Documents on the following subjects: iPod (with…
iPod 10GB for $199 at Target
Dealmac: “Several readers report that Target retail stores have lowered the price…
New cases by MARWARE
MARWARE recently posted information and preview photos of new cases for iPod…
MacDevCenter: Goodbye PDA, Hello iPod?
Terrie Miller at MacDevCenter writes about her switch from PDA to iPod.…
Photos and first impressions of the new iPod
iLounger Sabastian has posted photos and first impressions of the new iPods…
DLO Announces New Accessories for New iPod
DLO (Digital Lifestyle Outfitters) has announced newly updated accessories of its current…
Video: Live On Stage at The Grove in LA
iLounger Robert Morrisey has created a QuickTime movie of Apple’s recent iPod…