Redrock Biometrics, which enables secure authentication by using just the image of the user’s palm, has now released an app on Apple’s App Store. The company has reported that it has successfully launched its PalmID Agent on Apple’s platform after completing its work on Microsoft Active Directory platform.
The company offers services that allow users to authenticate or login to services by just showing their palm to the camera on their phone, tablet, or any other consumer devices that support the software created by Redrock Biometrics.
The PalmID Agent reportedly replaces the user’s User ID and the palm replaces the password. It definitely sounds like an interesting way to login into services and authenticate a lot of things on devices. However, we are yet to try out this authentication software in real world scenario to provide clarity as to whether it’s actually secure as the company claims it to be.
In an effort to detail its offering,Redrock Biometrics says that the PalmID Identity Provider and the PalmID Agent work hand in hand and that these are included in Microsoft’s Active Directory platform. To paint a scenario, the company says that user’s will be able to scan a QR code using a device’s rear camera and authenticate by showing their palm in the front camera.
“Signing in with social accounts is highly popular and convenient but it is not very secure,” said Co-Founder of Redrock Biometrics Lenny Kontsevich. “Multi-factor authentication is much more secure, but requires additional effort.”
The company Redrock Biometrics claims that its authentication technology can replace the one time password (OTP) or one time code (OTC) in the future. Hua Yang, co-founder and CEO of Redrock Biometrics said that the future of biometrics in a post covid-19 world is “palm vein” recognition.
The Redrock Biometrics PalmID Agent is now available on Apple’s App Store.