Apple is being accused and was in a lawsuit where Siri data is allegedly being sold to a third-party source and being used as a motive for marketing, with plaintiffs claiming Siri caught information on their discussion and showed them ads, and that Apple was supplying the information that was acquired unintentionally to third party businesses with the intention of marketing items.
The lawsuit was originally made in 2019 when contractors under Apple made statements about overhearing private discussions because of it activating Siri unintentionally. Ads of Olive garden and shoes of Michael Jordan, the Air Jordans, were shown when Siri recorded them talking about private matters regarding the corporation. Apple has settled the lawsuit and refuted the claim because Siri does not function that way and stated that it is not linked to anyone specific. Data is masked anonymously and is not sold to anyone, and by default, audio recordings are now turned off.