Snapchat today has launched its new mini platform within its social network. ‘Snap Minis’ feature a number of apps that serves to engage and entertain the users further.
Snap Minis are built into the social media platform and is open to everyone. It’s only been a month since the feature was announced, and now Minis has successfully rolled out.
Currently, Snapchat users will be able to access four Minis- Let’s Do It, Prediction Master, Flashcards and Headspace. Within these mini apps are meditative practices, collaborative options and more. Snapchat plans to release a new Mini called ‘Coachella’ which will help users with their festival plans.
Snapchat intends to increase user engagement and as a way to compete with TikTok and Instagram. Apple is reported to be working on mini apps on its iPad and iPhone ecosystems. Using App Clips in iOS 14 developers will be able to create small apps to use in QR, NFC, website and messaging platforms.