Messaging app Telegram has recently been updated, with new features such as emoji options, chat translation, and network usage statistics, among others.
Telegram v9.4.2 adds a real-time chat translation feature to decode entire chats in the user’s preferred language. Group admins can now control group member chat content, such as Video Messages, Voice, and Photos. A ‘Set Emoji’ option allows users to create profile photos and group profile photos using stickers and animated emojis.
Under the Settings section, users can now check network usage, such as data spent on the app. Media can be auto-saved from the Camera Roll based on type, source, and size. New sticker and emoji filters have become available for quick search options, and premium users will be able to see trending emoji packs and take a closer look at individual emojis.
Telegram v9.4.2 has rolled out in all regions and is available to download on the App Store for iPad and iPhone.