Telegram Messenger has recently rolled out a major update, notably the ability to create video calls that accommodate up to a thousand viewers.
Before, Telegram group video calls only allowed a maximum of 30 people in. The company intends to push the max allowable viewer count ‘until all humans on Earth can join one group call’.
The update also boasts several improvements. Video resolution is higher, and audio content will continue playing as messages are sent, and are included in record. Video messages are now tap-friendly and open as a conversation thread. The message is initially paused and can be rewound or fast-forwarded.
Telegram’s built-in movie player now touts multiple playback speed, and 1-to-1 calls now have screen sharing options. The media editor also has new tools with stickers, text and drawings on videos and photos.
All the details of the update can be viewed on the official Telegram blog site. The app is free and can be downloaded at the App Store for iPad and iPhone.