Tim Cook, Apple CEO will be meeting with Margrethe Vestager, EU antitrust chief, to discuss organizational disputes.
Apple won’t be the only one to meet with the European Union- other tech companies such as OpenAI senior executives, Nvidia, Broadcom, and Alphabet have been penciled in for the event. The group will be meeting in Palo Alto and San Francisco next week and discuss digital regulation and competition policies.
Apple is facing a number of challenges in the region as it begins to comply with the Digital Markes Act. The DMA designates big tech companies such as OpenAI, Google, and Apple as ‘gatekeepers’ and compel them to open their platforms and services to developers and other companies. The organization expects Apple to make changes to Siri, FaceTime, and the App Store, specifically allowing users to sideload apps, access to third-party payment systems, and developers to promote outside the App Store.