We at iLounge have a special deal on the PDF Reader Pro for Mac, a useful utility that lets you open, edit and work on PDF files to your heart’s content.
Are you looking for a robust, all-in-one PDF reader software for your Mac? Well, look no further because the PDF Reader Pro is all you’ll need. The software gives you the tools you need to edit PDFs like a pro, including useful features such as annotating with underlines, text boxes, highlighting, adding hyperlinks, placing interactive fields, inserting, replacing and adding text and images, converting to HTML, JPG, MS Word or iWork and powerful search and bookmark functions.
It’s installed on millions of devices from around the globe and ranks 4.6 out of 5 stars from 1,400+ reviews on the App Store.
PDF Reader Pro For Mac
The PDF Reader Pro for Mac normally costs $59.99, while we at iLounge are giving it away for a low, low price of just $24.99! You save 58%, or approximately $35 on one of the best PDF readers on the macOS platform.
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