Most people feel like paying off their student loans is a lost cause. However, a good management tool like Sloan can turn it around and give you control over your debt.
Aside from making it easier to track student loan payments and send funds, Sloan has a few useful features that’s not present in other apps. Let’s delve a bit further in this Sloan review.
What is Sloan?
Sloan is rated ‘number 1 student loan app’ and is available to download on the App Store.
Simply put, Sloan makes student loans less intimidating and motivates you to get on a set path to pay your loan off in a set amount of time.
The app welcomes you into a dashboard where you can do a lot of things, including calculating interest or paying your loan in order you choose, for instance.
It makes sense to pay off higher interest loans first, something that Sloan can easily arrange. You can also set your loan payments to be weekly, monthly or whenever you wish.
Sloan Features and Benefits
Debt Manager
Sloan’s debt manager platform is robust and allows you to track up to 30 loans in a single app. You can choose the priority and send payment directly any time.
Loan Calculator
Check due dates, interest rates and calculate needed payments without having to exit the app. For those who intend to pay their loans off as soon as possible, Sloan has a calculator that lets you do exactly that.
SloanMe P2P Giving
This feature is like GoFundMe where you and other students can get sent money via friends or by doing side hustles. With Sloan you can get donations and even integrate into wedding registries.
Employer Benefit Plan
Your employer can choose to contribute to student loan payments via automatic transfers in Sloan. It’s tied to the user’s student loan account to ensure it’s to pay off the debt.
Sloan is a lightweight yet robust student debt management app with crowdfunding and loan help opportunities. This makes it a worthy download for those who want to deal with their student debt in the smartest way possible.